Monday, December 7, 2009

6months 3 weeks

Laith will be 7 months old on December 12th. That is CRAZY! I often find myself looking at his newborn pictures and wondering when he stopped being a baby baby. I find myself having such mixed emotions as he grows. On one hand, I'm overwhelmed with pride and excitement with every new accomplishment, but I can't help but feel this undercurrent of sadness and loss of dependence he once had on me. I am thrilled that he can entertain himself sitting up and crawl around and play with his toys happily, but I also miss him just sleeping peacefully and contentedly in my arms.

He has been eating solids for about 3 weeks now, and so far has had sweet potatoes, oatmeal, banana, pears, carrots, butternut squash, peas...and probably other stuff that I can not remember. He loves eating in his highchair and took to it right away without any prompting. By the time he actually got the food in his mouth, he had already been grabbing at my food so much that I guess he knew exactly what to do with it.

So...blah. Don't know if I even want to go there. Um, yeah, I love working...I really do, but I have never had so much stress in my life as I do now. I feel like I'm in a rat race, with no finish line in sight...just frantically rushing through every day and by the time its over I am so wound up and still behind on everything I've set out to do that I can hardly sleep. I wake up with my mind reeling and tired. By the time I wake up with Laith and get him clean, clothed and fed, I take about 10 minutes for myself before rushing to work, making sure I have loaded everything in my car and all the products I need for the day. Did I mention that Laith is over 20lbs now and super heavy to carry?

I have fallen 5 major times since I had Laith...2 of the falls happened this weekend. I slipped on the floor at obee's on Friday AND Saturday. I feel like I spent the night at the fair riding treacherous rides...I woke up completely sore all over. I have bruisy scrapes down my arms from trying to catch my fall on the counter, I feel like I have whiplash and like I did a thousand sit ups because of the deep muscle aches in my back and abs. Just feel sorry for me please!

In terms of business, Charlie and I have both hired new employees that seem to be working out quite well so far. Hopefully we'll be seeing eachother a bit more soon.

In terms of Laith, he sits up on his own for long periods of time, and scoots pretty dang well across the floor on his hands and knees. He now has his 2 front bottom teeth, which he uses....Lord does he use them.

I am including the latest video of him crawling to the Christmas tree, which he is wildly fascinated by and can't help but try to get his anxious hands on those shiny ornaments!

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