Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm back!

So sorry it has been so long since I have last blogged. I know all 3 of you are missing my baby blurbs, but my computer has been down at the house and I am now using Claire's to do this. Things are going pretty well lately. I am feeling decent and giving myself the permission to not push myself anymore or feel guilty about not being able to work 80hr weeks! I have to add that Charlie insists that I stay home or leave early, but I am stubborn and get really stressed when I think of him working hard and I'm resting.

We really enjoyed having my brother here for what seemed to be a very brief 2 weeks. He and his Christine helped us out alot and my parents and sister came down to help us change the carpeting upstairs. This is something we would NEVER have gotten around to doing without them. We also got to see Nathan and Stephany who came down for several days to visit. They were with me as I celebrated my birthday for the 3rd time haha. Okay, so here is the update on MEEEEEEE.

My BODY: I have been having a LOT of pressure in my pelvis area with the ever increasing weight of the baby. My body is really ready for this baby to get out. Laith has gotten big enough to where all of his movements are uncomfortable for me. When I slouch, I get a hard jab in the ribs. When I lay on my side, I feel like he is pushing out from both sides of my stomach! Sleeping has become something I only vaguely remember experiencing before. I am miserable at night, waking up all sweaty and hot - not to mention the terribly frequent trips to the bathroom and the increasingly sore hips and shoulders. My arms are always numb and weak feeling because of the carpal tunnel - so as you can imagine, I'm having loads of fun here. I keep thinking...if ONLY I could sleep well, I would feel GREAT. I also have resigned myself to the fact that I will never like my pregnant body. There is just simply nothing about it that I like...nothing. Except that there is a baby in there somewhere.

My MIND: I have been stressing out about registering for the baby shower. There is no checklist detailed enough or friend knowledgable enough to make this process easy. I am CLUELESS when I look at baby stuff. I don't know what all these things are and I am too ashamed to ask most of the time! I mean, how can I know whether or not I will ever use any of this stuff? I am trying to swallow my pride and just ask people what the heck is a boppy or a bumbo or whatever those things are called.

I am so scatter brained these days. One of the reasons work has become so difficult for me is the constant need to think/move quickly and talk to customers and juggle a million "to-dos" in my head whild delegating tasks to employees. I STUTTER...A LOT. Mostly people are so kind, but there are alot of mean people out there who don't care if you feel like a jackass. I get easily confused and there are people who will just look at me like I am so stupid. Ohhhhh wellll.

My EMOTIONS: While I do not cry as frequently or as profusely as I have through the rest of my pregnancy, I still have a very very VERY low level of tolerance to extend to anyone. I have only a certain amount of niceness alotted to me each day and I have to be very careful how I ration it. There have been days where I simply had to go home because I ran out of it early and was apparently causing people to entertain thoughts of suicide. If it weren't for my husband making me laugh...we wouldn't have any employees anymore. We wouldn't have any customers either. I'm not sure my own mother would still love me.

My MARRIAGE: I have never appreciated my husband and our relationship more than I do now. Okay, I just got off the phone with him and I can't remember why I love him...I'll have to continue this later when I don't feel like kicking him in the face! haha

Anyway here are some pictures...

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