I am SOOOO excited that my brother and his girlfriend will be coming for a month-long visit on February 22nd. He has been living in Germany working on his masters in Political Science while teaching English as a second language. He moved there to be closer to his Bavarian girl, Christine. I'm extremely close to Jedidiah and it has been really hard not having him around for this momentous occasion in our lives. He will be arriving just in time for my 7month appointment and will be able to witness my next long sonogram. I always get pumped about seeing my little guy...it's fun to watch him growing and to see what exactly he's doing in there when I feel like he's about to puncture my organs. I'm sure Jed and Christine will freak out.
So I realize that to many people I still don't look 6 1/2mos pregnant, it is so nice to be getting bigger even if only because I actually can see belly as "pregnant" as opposed to just...big. I was told recently that my face is getting "fuller" and of course this was a comment from a MAN (as have been all of my less sensitive comments) and of course he insists that he meant it is becoming more beautiful...but uhhh...no. haha. It's okay boys, I forgive all of you for every stupid thing you are going to say to me while I am pregnant! I don't mind so much anymore.
I am certainly noticing weird hormonal shifts happening...I don't claim to understand or be very knowledgable on the subject, but I have been on a rampage cleaning out everything in my house. I threw away everything in the pantry and fridge and scrubbed it to death and then went crazy cleaning and organizing and throwing things away in every room. It feels increasingly urgent to prepare my home for a homecoming. I also can't sleep til the dishes are all done and I am even cooking most every night. People, this does NOT happen!!!
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