So I found out on Monday that I am 75% sure to be having a BOY! We are extremely excited - I somehow knew I would be having a boy...simply because I knew I could not have a girl...I can't explain why, I just didn't want to experiment with my maternal skills on a girl. It was an incredible experience to watch him move around and opening his mouth and touching his face etc. He seemed very active and I still wonder why I don't feel that yet!
The next day:
On Tuesday I woke up very enthusiastic about the day mainly because I couldn't wait to look at Skeletor's pictures again and daydream about having a boy...but then around 11am my day went all wrong. I was working at Obee's and suddenly had a burning, achey feeling in my lower-right abdomen which radiated through my hip and lower back. It became suddenly very intense and I doubled over in pain and couldn't even speak and didn't want anyone to touch me. I didn't want to cause a scene so I made it to the restroom and told Charlie he needs to get my phone so I can call the doctor because something is NOT right. This episode lasted about 30-45mins and stopped long enough for me to make it home where a friend met me and took me to the doctor. I was still in a lot of pain but when I heard the heartbeat I just cried. I was so afraid that something bad had happened because what I was feeling is how women describe their contractions. The doctor wanted/wants me admitted to the hospital to run tests to see if I have appendicitis or gall bladder issues or kidney stones...but I want to wait it out a bit to see if it goes away on its own. I still feel the pain...but less severe than Tuesday. I am praying that I pulled a ligament or something benign like that. We shall see. Til then I am tired of being in bed and feeling so awful.
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