Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The extremely long version

Well, everyone else is doing it...blogging that is. If ever I felt there were an apt moment to begin recording life's happenings, it is now. August 5th I started seeing a doctor in Ft. Worth to get serious about my thyroid problems and attempt to get everything regulated to make sure I was healthy to carry a child. Charlie and I had been trying to conceive for over a year and nothing had happened yet. My doc was very enthusiastically positive that he could get me pregnant within 5 months (I told him he should talk to my husband about that first..harhar) and wanted me to do an intensive wellness diet for a month to regulate insulin, alkalinity (whatever that is), hormones, etc. I did everything he asked me to do, but I soon started having what I could only describe as the worst PMS of my life. I called my mother after a few sleepless nights complaining that I need to tell the doc that my hormones are severely jacked up. I then started having flu-like symptoms and became very dizzy and nauseated. It was when I dreamt about pregnancy that I got a test and took it. I took it casually, with no expectations and when the first line appeared I scoffed at it and even muttered, "yeah, whatever" and as I'm throwing it away I see the 2nd line which sent electricity through my body and I began shaking uncontrollably while exclaiming, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!". I was at Obee's and Charlie was at the bank so I went outside to wait for him and everyone passing by said, "Oh my gosh, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!". I saw Charlie driving up and ran for his car crying so hard that I terrified the poor man to the point that when he heard "it was positive" between sobs he laughed with relief!

That was only the beginning of the crazy anxious, pukey, exhausted, emotional months of my life. I went to the doctor October 7th where it was confirmed that I am indeed hosting a life-start party in my womb. I was very sick that day but when I saw that heartbeat flickering in that sonogram I felt immediately attached. It made me not so angry at the "parasite" that I thought was trying to kill me. Today I went to my Ob-gyn and heard the rapid heartbeat, which was another incredible moment for me. It was a great 2yr anniversary gift!! Oh, Charlie also got me an unbelievable bouquet. He's the best. I'm not sure I am even as excited as he is about this chigger. He kisses him/her good morning and goodnight and talks to him/her even if it doesn't hear yet. He's cute.

Ok, I've talked enough now. YAY!


Claire said...

You're hilarious. I think this'll be a great way for you to keep a journal of your thoughts/story/pregnancy and keep in touch with your new pregnant online friends. (: Join the ranks, Em. (: I'm proud of you.

Hahah. Chigs. Man. That little Chigger's heart beats super fast. I'm seriously honored to have heard it. I told everyone in small group tonight. (:

Charlie is so so sweet. I love that he gives the baby kisses every morning. Love it. THAT right there is almost enough reason to change my mind about children. (: But don't get your hopes up. Ha.

Anonymous said...

i cried when i read this... and i dont know why - haha - it isnt new news for me. but everytime i think about the new little one i get so excited! i wanna know every little thing so update often! love you.

Brian said...

Welcome to the Internets, we're glad to have you. Looking forward to following along with your progress! Kasi and I are excited for you guys!

Anthony said...

Hey Emma Have You Picked A Name For Lil Rajeh Yet?

Emily said...

Hey Anthony. We are set on a girl name but still arguing over a boy name. I guess we'll have to wait til monday (when we know the sex) to get too passionate about it. If it's a girl, Josephine or Ophelia - If it's a boy I like Ephraim and Najib could be the middle name..but Charlie says Ephraim sounds too much like Akram which is a name he doesn't care for...??? haha